Daily HealthCare News

Curry Pot with Vegetable On The Side

This nice looking dish is both healthy and tasty. It combines the tastiness of curry covered chicken and the health benefits of the vegetables that are on the side. If this peaked your interest, continue reading…

The ingredients in this dish are chicken, curry, carrots, baked potatoes, broccoli, and tomatoes. This dish brings a multitude of different benefits for health.  It is also a treat for your taste buds.

Benefits of Chicken

Chicken is an excellent source of vitamins B6, B12 and D. Additionally, in 100g of chicken there are only 239 calories, and 27 grams of it is pure protein. Protein is important for the growth and development of organs in your body.  Protein helps with bone loss. Chicken also provides selenium which contains antioxidants that help control free radicals and improve your immune system.  By eating 100g of chicken is enough to satisfy half of your daily protein intake. It also has phosphorus, which just so happens to help maintain healthy teeth and bones. As well as, ensuring proper functioning of the kidneys, liver and the central nervous system.

Chicken also contains a special kind of vitamin B, called niacin, which protects your body against cancer and other genetic complications.  Because chicken contains selenium,   that means an increase in metabolism rates. Also, selenium contains antioxidants that help control free radicals and improve your immune system.

Benefits of Carrots

If you’re interested in the benefits of carrots, read the following article:

Simple Salad With Carrots And Beet

Benefits of Broccoli

As for the benefits of broccoli, click the following link:

Steak With Vegetables And Potatoes

Benefits of Potatoes

To learn why potatoes are good for your health, read the post at the following link: 

Tasty But Very Healthy Lunch

Benefits of Tomatoes

To learn more about tomatoes, click here:

Find Out Why Eating Salad Is Good For You