Daily HealthCare News

Vanilla Dessert with Forest Fruits Dressing

Interested to know why a dessert can be healthy? This recipe is very sweet, delicious and fruity. Continue reading to learn more…

Well here is the thing. Sometimes the healthiest thing to eat is what your stomach, your soul desires. Because after eating it you will feel fulfilled, and your brain will release serotonin which will help you feel happy. Being happy is always healthy as opposed to being stressed because you are forced to eat something, that although healthy for you, might not always be tasty.

Now let’s get to the ingredients. This particular dessert contains this kind of creamy dough, covered in vanilla, with a dressing made of raspberry, strawberry and other forest fruits.

Benefits of Vanilla 

Vanilla is derived from the orchids of the Vanilla genus, which bears fruits that are shaped like pods. Now get this, not only is eating vanilla good for your system, because of its richness of nutrients, unique organic compounds, and antioxidants that the pods contain, it can also be made into topical preparations. This ingredient has always been and it will remain as one of the most trusted remedies in natural healing, and as one of the most natural flavors in our arsenal. Here are some other benefits of it as well:

Benefits of Forest Fruits

Strawberry helps protect us from disease and protects the brain with a powerful antioxidant capacity. Strawberries reduce macular degeneration of the eyes. They are an excellent source of potassium, fiber, many B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, iodine, folate, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and copper.

Raspberry contains ellagic acid which stops the growth of cancer cells and thus eliminating the progress of cancer. It also helps weight loss and has anti-aging properties. By improving your immune system, these berries actually look after your overall health. They are also excellent sources of vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fiber. As well as being rich in B vitamins, folic acid, copper, and iron. Finally, raspberries have the highest concentration of antioxidant strength amongst all fruits.