Daily HealthCare News

What Should Include The Perfect Lunch

THE 4 COLOR RULE: GreenOrangeBrown, and White. That is actually our recipe for perfect lunch. You can try also RedGreenOrangeBrown. Doesn’t matters which color should be on your plate. The secret is in the numbers. In this case, the secret is in number 4. Four different colors should be on your plate for the perfect lunch. 

Nutritional requirements for your perfect lunch

For average people, 500 calories are enough for lunch. If you are aiming for diet it should be -50 calories, if you are trying to grow up then +50 calories. It is too easy to understand and apply to your daily life. Unfortunately for a healthy life, it’s not enough to keep attention only to nutritional values of every lunch. For the long and healthy life, you should have a variety of dishes on your plate. At this point, our solution for this problem is “Four Color Rule

4 Different colors = 4 Different effects to your body

As our predecessors say, we should a little beat from everything on our plate. They know it like cause and effect relation. Pleasingly we have more details why should do it like they said. According to the researchers of the scientists, the optimum number of different dishes on your plate should be four.

White = Chicken Steak, Green = Broccoli, Brown = Rice, Orange = Carrot

CHICKEN STEAK(200g) 280 50g
INTEGRAL RICE(100g) 220 18g
BOILED CARROT(1piece) 16 1g
BOILED BROCCOLI(1piece) 13 2.1g

Broccoli, family member of Cabbage

Our Green color member “Broccoli” have a high fiber, very high vitamin C

and adequate value of potassium, vitamin A, and B6.

Carrot, the purebred Carotene, and Antioxidant

Beta-carotene, truly vitamin A-bomb. Antioxidants help immune systems, lower the risk of developing cancer and heart disease.

Rice, the secret of a long life. Japanese friends live longest on this planet

You can read for Rice from Our “Secrets of a long life series”. You should definitely take a look. Click here to continue for “Japanese Secret For Very Long Life, The Rice!” article.

Chicken Steak

Truly protein source, but we know meat has some negative sides. But the solution is to combine it with vegetables to get an Antioxidant effect.