A Very Tasty And Healthy Lunch Idea


Today’s topic will be about a very healthy, yet tasty lunch idea.  The main ingredients of this lunch are, rice, and corn. Now I bet you’re wondering why these two are healthy. Well read on and you might find out…

If this is not enough to fill you up, then try adding some type of meat with low-fat content and little calories. Now let’s get to their health benefits.

Benefits of Rice

Rice has many positive effects on your body. Sometimes I think too many. Some of them are:

  • It provides instant energy;
  • It regulates and improves bowel movements;
  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • Slows down the aging process;
  • Provides the body with vitamin B1;
  • Aids in skin care;
  • Boosts metabolism;
  • Aids in digestion;
  • Reduces high blood pressure;
  • Helps in weight loss;
  • It boosts the immune system;
  •  Provides protection against dysentery, cancer, and heart diseases;

Rice can be found in more than forty thousand varieties that are available throughout the world. It’s available in two main categories – whole grain and white rice. Whole grain is not processed, so its nutritional value is very high, on the other hand, white rice is processed so that the outer covering is removed, leaving it with a lesser nutritional value. 

To find out more benefits  about rice read the following article:

Japanese Secret For Long Life

Benefits Of Corn

Corn originated in Central America but it has spread and is grown in countless varieties around the world. Popcorn and sweet corn are some other eaten varieties that are common, but refined corn products are also widely eaten, frequently as ingredients in other dishes. Corn is the most popular cereal grains in the world. But whole-grain corn is as healthy as any cereal grain, as well as being rich in fiber and many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

To learn more about the benefits of corn read this:

Try This Healthy Lunch Idea




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