Daily HealthCare News

The Health Benefits Of Rosehips

Rose hips, or rose hep, or maybe rose haw are fruits of the rose plant which form usually in late summer and autumn. They have many health benefits including their ability to reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, prevent cancer, relieve respiratory conditions and much more. 

Rosehips also manage diabetes, lower cholesterol, increase urination, regulate digestion, boost the immune system, increase circulation, and help in building stronger bones… 

Rosehips are:

But, the health benefits:

Vitamins And Minerals In Rosehips

Rosehips contain a large number of vitamins, organic compounds, minerals and other essential nutrients in rose hips pack which are extremely effective in treating a wide variety of health conditions! From vitamins, they contain vitamins A. vitamin B-complex, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin C (70 times as much vitamin C as oranges). Furthermore, minerals found in rosehips are magnesium, calcium, iron, selenium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, silicon, and zinc. Rosehips also contain tannins, sugars, acids, pectin.  Also, there are the organic compounds, such as pectin, lycopene, lutein, and beta-carotene. The organic compounds are also very powerful and essential for the human body. The antioxidant components, which include phytochemicals, flavonoids, and carotenoids(lycopene) also contribute to their health benefits.

Balkan people make an excellent and fragrant jam of rosehips, especially from the Damask rose, popular in Bulgaria.