Calm Yourself With Tea And Lemon Or Honey


Tea can calm you and improve your health no matter what is the season of the year and no matter if the tea is hot or cold. You can add lemon or honey or anything that you think that fits in with tea. Continue with reading to find out all the benefits of tea and to discover the most important tea types…

Here is a list of the most important types of tea:

Open the posts to read more about them. In addition more about their health benefits.


Today our recommendation for you is mint tea. Mint tea has also may health benefits.

Here is a list of the most important health benefits:

  • Helps with regular digestion,
  • Calms nausea and headache or migraines,
  •  Strong aroma of mint is very effective for respiratory disorders and coughs,
  • Calms depression and fatigue, 
  • Helps in breastfeeding in that case that mint oil can reduce the nipple cracks and nipple pain,
  •  Good relaxant and relieves congestion in way that heals asthma,
  • Mint oil is a good antiseptic
  • Also, mint oil is good antipruritic material, 
  • Mint juice is an excellent skin cleanser so mint can help us in skin care and pimples,
  • Mint increases memory. Use many mint chewing gums if you can’t drink tea but tea is better!
  • Weight loss with tea guarantee!
  • Mint can help prevent and treat even cancer!
  • Say goodbye to allergies and fevers!
  • Mint also has benefits in the treatment of rheumatism.
  • Go and relax. Make the stress go away with mint. Yes, that’s possible. Mint is also a good relaxant!

We got the conclusion that tea can be good for us but we shouldn’t cross the line. Two or three cups a day is enough. Also, you must drink a lot of water within the tea and you can add whatever you like in tea drink but we suggest you something like lemon or honey.

Enjoy! Take care.



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