Daily HealthCare News

Health Benefits Of The Herb Basil

The plant is called basil and it belongs to the aromatic herbs family. Aromatic herb family includes herbs like mint, oregano, and rosemary. Continue reading to find out all the health benefits of basil.

In fact, basil is used in many recipes to add flavor.  Also, it’s good to know that there are 35 different types of basil and there are botanical differences between them. Species of basil may include lemon basil, sweet basil, Italian or curly basil, lettuce-leaf basil and Thai basil. They contain essential oils and they are found in some quantities: Citronellol, cinnamate, geraniol, linalool, terpineol, and pinene.

Health Benefits Of Basil

Here are the health benefits of basil:

Finally, Basil has million and much more health benefits for humans but while basil is healing diseases it can have own diseases. Fusarium wilt is a fungal disease that quickly kills younger basil plants. While common foliar disease of basil is Botrytis cinerea bacteria or gray mold which can kill the entire plant. Other diseases of basil are black spot by the fungi genus Colletotrichum, downy mildew caused by Peronospora… etc. It’s ironic but its true.

No matter what basil is a plant that is good for us, so go and buy this plant!