Daily HealthCare News

Boost Your Immunity With Salad

This salad keeps you hydrated, flushes out toxins, aids in weight loss, revives the eyes, cuts cancer risk and much more. Also, it can stabilize blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, keeps kidneys in shape, soothes muscle and joint pain… etc. Keep reading this post to find out more about this salad who contain three vegetables. They are cucumbers, green pepper, and tomatoes.


Cucumbers are good for diabetics, smooths hair and nails, refreshes the mouth and nourishes you with vitamins. From vitamins, they have Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C, which boost immunity, give you energy and keep you radiant. Cucumbers supplies skin-friendly minerals like magnesium, potassium, and silicon. Because of that cucumber-based treatments are popular in spas. Cucumbers also can fight a headache so eat cucumber, and your body gets relief from heartburn. You can also apply cucumber on your skin, and you get relief from sunburn and itchy skin.


Green peppers are low in calories and contain 0 grams of fat and a good supply of vitamins and minerals. From vitamins, they have Vitamin C and Vitamin E. In fact, one cup of green pepper provides 119.8 milligrams of Vitamin C and the daily recommend is between 75 and 90 milligrams per day. This is good for all of us because when you get enough vitamin C, you’re less likely to develop infections, and your skin, teeth, gums and blood vessels work more efficiently. Of course, you are healthier in that way. Peper contains 0.55 milligrams of vitamin E toward the 15 milligrams you should take in every day because it protects your cells from damage and supports a strong immune system.


Tomatoes can improve vision, prevent gallstones, lowers hypertension, helps to manage diabetes, reduces cholesterol levels and protects the heart. It can also be good for digestive health and counters the bad effects of smoking. From vitamins, they have vitamin A, C,  and K as well Vitamin B6. Also, they contain folate, and thiamin and tomatoes are a good source of potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, and copper. They have also protein and dietary fiber.

We got the conclusion that eating salads is a good thing. One salad a day keeps the doctor away!

Take care.